Career Advice

Importance of Career Planning

Career means profession - that which we want to adopt for earning a livelihood. Planning for a career is one of the most important steps we can take in our lives. It sets a foundation for how you'll spend a great deal of your life. An interesting fact about career planning is that it is not always a short-lived process. In fact, for many, it can last a lifetime which includes re-defining goals, developing interests, and changing careers.

Choose the Right Career for You

Some people don't even get as far as thinking about what they are good at and love doing. Instead, they run their finger down a menu of job titles and choose one. It's a kind of default strategy. They don't know what they really want to do so they choose something that sounds ok, is a safe choice, is well paid, or all three.

Group Rules, Walking Off, Suffering, and Your Career

When I was growing up, I lived a few doors down from a very observant Catholic family that had strong opinions about what is right and what is wrong. There was a son around my age whom I liked to play with now and then, but his parents eventually banned me from fraternizing with him. The reason was that, after being warned by his parents a few times not to do so, I forgot and shouted ''Jesus Christ!'' during some game. The first time I had done this, I had received a very stern lecture about using Jesus' name in vain. The next time I was sent home and my mother was spoken to. The final time this happened I was banned.

46 Actions You Can Take to Optimize Your Job Search and Career Today

When I used to apply for jobs myself, I would always go to the office supply store and purchase the absolute most expensive paper and envelopes I could. I remember, the paper I used to purchase was so expensive that you could only purchase 50 sheets of it at a time. The paper was so heavy that it was almost like cardboard and difficult to fit in the equally expensive envelopes that I purchased with the paper. This may seem like something that is ridiculous and far more over the top than necessary. However, starting from a young age, I have always believed in optimizing everything and the further I have gotten in my career, the more important I have realized optimization is.