
Share What You Know

Every interaction you have with another person is a chance to make a difference in that person's life. Every piece of information you have about the world is unique to you and the more you share this information with others, the more others will share information with you. In addition, when you share information, you will be sought out by others.

Becoming an Executive Recruiter Can Be a Satisfying Experience

Unlike pursuing many other careers in human resources, becoming an executive recruiter can be immediately rewarding for the results of your decisions become visible within a short span of time. While you may harbor ideas that becoming a headhunter is all fun and no pain, such ideas would be far from truth. Unlike many other jobs in human resources, your work is quantifiable and visible, and both success as well as failure is discovered quickly.

Improving your Skills Often

The more you learn, the more you come to realize that you know even less than you thought. If you are working at a job that requires an extensive amount of knowledge (but you feel like you mastered it), you probably haven't. Even if you are a tremendous success at your job there is something you can work on so that you can maintain that level of success.