
The Need to Focus Your Job Search Strategy According to the Current Economy

This article is not about job search, but the needs that indicate that you should revise your job search strategies and improvise. And the needs are due to the economic truths and contradictions that are visible in the current economy. More than ever, the roles of job boards and forums playing matchmaker between employer and employee have become important, and job searches require to be more focused to be successful. Consider the following economic truths in the current economy:

What’s the Recession? Where’s the Recession?

If you go through industry reports thoroughly there are certain things in the current recession that do not match up. While joblessness continues to grow and the earning situation of the average American employee remains unstable, certain businesses continue to show record profits across sectors throughout the recession. While the reasons may vary in each case, there is no doubt that in every sector of the market, competent and powerful organizations show no sign of being affected by the recession.

Attitude Is All When It Comes To Winning Interviews

Whether you admit it or not, an aggressive attitude doesn't work anymore at interviews. With the recession breathing on their necks, both interviewers and interviewees are aggressive enough and there's no cause to add incentives for further irritation. It used to work in the last century, especially in sales, but now, an aggressive attitude would more likely result in a similarly aggressive rejection of your job application.

Seek The Experience and Knowledge of Others in Your Job Search

Back in college there were men I knew who would always shadow other men at parties. The first man would typically spend his entire evening drinking and talking to a woman he met at the party. At some point he would have had too much to drink, and would start losing his focus. At that point the shadow would appear, and would talk to the girl and, oftentimes, end up going home with her. Since the woman was usually also a little drunk at this point, she was not processing if she liked the shadow as much, and she was discounting the fact that she really did not know him at all.