
Public Speaking: 9 Characteristics Of The Greats

There's more to speaking than sharing a few words. Here are the top nine characteristics of public speakers that you can use too 1. Solid Content. Even a person lacking charismatic gifts can develop solid content. Always share something the audience finds valuable to their lives. 2. Humorous. It's hard to hate someone you laugh with. The best speakers find a way to get people smiling early in the program. It opens hearts and makes the group receptive. You don't have to ...

What Is Reverse Merger, And Is It For Everyone? Part 1

A reverse merger is a method used by many small and mid-cap companies to initially go public, its the purchase of, and reverse merger into, an existing public shell company. This is inexpensive compared with conventional Initial public offerings (IPO). This is also a simplified fast track method by which a private company can become a public company.

Home Renovation Contract Fraud

In today's booming home renovation market, homeowners find themselves standing in line to hire reputable contractors. It is a market where the less scrupulous contractors flourish, making a quick buck from frustrated homeowners who just want to get the job done. The result can be shoddy workmanship, work left undone and money lost when the contractor can't or won't complete the job.

What’s Your Company’s Email Policy?

Does your company have an email policy? Did you even know there was such a thing? Well, there is, and if your company doesn’t have one you are not only risking the professional image of your firm, but also risking potential liability issues that may arise from the misuse of your company email system. Having a published email policy accomplishes three objectives. First, it teaches your employees how to use email in a professional manner. What’s that? You’ve never really ...