Monthly Archives: January 2010

Starting Your Own Home Business?

Starting a home business is the dream of many people; in fact, it has become the ideal for millions. If you are reading this article, the chances are high that you are one who believes that there is much more to life than just waking up each morning and working the rest of the day for a wage. Running a business from your home is no joke. There are a lot of details that you will need to keep track of if you aspire to be successful. Keep in mind that a home business is in es...

Use The Probability Factor To Start Your Small Home Business

How do you find a business that is right for you and has a great probability of success? There are two steps that you should take. 1. Pick something that interests you. Better yet, pick something that you are passionate about. If you are not interested or you don't like it, the work rapidly becomes drudgery and you will likely quit after having invested a lot time and money. 2. Find out if there is a market for you business. This is important because if there isn't a ma...

Three Steps to Starting Your New Business With a Clean Credit Score

Michael G. Peterson is the Vice President of American Credit Foundation, an IRS 501 (c)(3) non-profit consumer credit counseling organization that has assisted thousands of individuals and families with their financial situations through seminars, education, counseling services, and, debt management plans. For more information, and free consumer resources visit

The Number One Work At Home Scam Explained

Working at home is very popular. As with anything that is popular there are people out there who like to try to scam those looking for work at home jobs. Scams can sometimes be hard to recognize, but if a person knows what to look for they can raise their chances of not being caught in a work at home scam. A popular way to get taken by a scam work at home company is when they ask a person to pay them money. The first key that a work at home opportunity may be a scam is th...