Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Past Revealed: Background Checks

Employers tend to conduct background checks before hiring new people. It is a specific process that involves knowing the information about the individual's past. In today's society, it is no longer difficult to access information. This is because the advent of new technology allows us to retrieve a lot of kinds of information. Contents of the Background Check Most background checks contain criminal and incarceration records. Criminal and incarceration records include...

The Modular Office

Modular office is a great way of solving your office space problems, from construction sites to golf courses, a lot of businesses are using modular office solutions today. Modular offices can be found throughout the country, in all regions and areas, this is mainly due to the fact that modular office building has progressed significantly over the last decade or so, and modular offices today can be used as a multi functional moveable spacing solution, the modular office can...

New Personnel Can Be A Safety Risk

Asking new workers about their previous safety education and work experience helps businesses ensure the workers know the basics of workplace safety. Too many accidents occur because businesses assume that everyone knows the basics. Businesses many times will find the worker did not know the basics only after an accident occurs. Ensure every new worker knows their rights and responsibilities.

Designers And Architects – Are Aesthetics More Important Than Practicalities

As a cleaning company we get called in to carry out builders cleans on new builds and refurbishments. Time and time again what we see is that the designer has had something built, laid or put in place solely on the grounds that it looks good with no regard as to how it will stand up to use or the practicalities of trying to keep it clean and looking good. They produce their design, see it through to the finish and then walk away. Only later does it become apparent that it is ...