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New Jersey Adds 10,000 Jobs in November

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newjerseyflag_160x120 The state of New Jersey registered an additional 10,000 jobs as more companies hired workers in the month of November. The state’s Labor & Workforce Development Department revealed that the state employment climbed by 9,300 jobs at businesses and 700 in the public sector. The non-government employers also contributed to job hiring rates for the past six months, with a total of 10,700 this year. However, despite the additional jobs, the unemployment rate of the state is stuck at 9.2%, with the October and November rates remaining static.

Michael Drewniak, a spokesman for Governor Chris Christie, said that the recent figure is strong evidence that job hiring is picking up in the state. “The report on private-sector employment is very hopeful, and the trend is becoming consistently positive. There’s a lot of work to be done, but we take this as a signal to press on with the administration’s policies to keep and attract businesses so that New Jersey can lead the way out of recession.”

The last time the state added 10,000 or more jobs in a month was recorded in the month of April. The jobs added in November were primarily generated in the construction industry, which increased by 4,500. The professional and business-service employment industries hiked by 3,900. The waste management, education and health services and financial services industries also showed an uptick in the employment rates.

New Jersey Adds 10,000 Jobs in November by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes