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Cyber Attack Breach in CITIGROUP Bank

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A Cyber Attack Breach has been noticed in CITIGROUP Bank which is the third largest bank by assets. The Bank is the latest growing companies but it facing cyber attacks in recent months. Sony, Google Inc and Lockheed Martin are affected under hackers. The cyber hackers are not interested only on stealing money, they are interested to stealing customers contact details and ID numbers and that are sold out in black market. Banks are now review their security to enhance the controls. In many countries new measures are preparing on data security. In Citigroup, a total of 360083 North American credit card accounts were affected. Some of the customers were issued new cards. Citi said that customers had their names, account numbers and contact information but critical data to commit fraud was not compromised.

Read the original article here:

Citi says 360,000 accounts hacked in May cyber attack

Cyber Attack Breach in CITIGROUP Bank by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes