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Congress Watches as Economy Fails

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When President Obama presented the American Jobs Act to Congress on the 7th of September, he was very adamant that the Act needed to be passed right away. After a month of waiting, nothing has come from the Act. The House will not even discuss the bill while the Senate does not have enough support to push the bill though as is. Obama will not give up his fight for the bill though. He has urged Americans to contact their local Senators and inform them of the support they want them to show toward the bill. He is pleading that it is a necessary bill and that it will change the current economic situation of the U.S.

One major element to the Jobs Act that has been discussed very publicly is the taxation of the extremely wealthy. The president has gone on the television multiple times to discuss the taxes that could be proposed on the wealthy. He has stated that some of the richest people in America agree with the bill and feel that it is only fair that they too have to pay their fair share of taxes. The bill would raise the taxes for those who are making more than $1 million. Many of the millionaires and billionaires who are living in the U.S. today are not paying the same taxes as the American worker. The wealthy are getting tax cuts just for being wealthy. The bill would make them pay more and Obama believes that the money can then be used to create more jobs throughout America. Republicans are in strong disapproval of this element of the bill and do not feel that the wealthy should be taxed anymore than they already are.

Just about every issue that is covered in the bill is under debate. There seems to be only a few things that can be somewhat agreed upon. One of which is the free trade agreements. Which could provide for a small boost for the economy and thus increase the employment number. The government knows that something must be done in one way or the other in order to see any change in the state of the economy. There are many people who are predicting that the unemployment rate will not increase though the end of the year but that there will be no major decrease either.

During the winter months there are typically seasonal positions that become available on a part-time basis. These jobs may help to stimulate the economy for a short period but much of America is waiting on pins and needles to hear what is next. Everyone wants someone to get the ball moving and for a change to take place.

Congress Watches as Economy Fails by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes