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AlliedBarton and HR Plus Hosting Workplace Convention

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The security industry’s leader in providing highly trained security personnel, AlliedBarton, is teaming with HR Plus to run a workplace violence prevention seminar. HR Plus is an industry leader in that provides comprehensive solutions for employment and background screening. The seminar will have a major focus on how to survive an active shooter situation should one arise at your workplace. The seminar will take place on Monday, November 21, 2011, at FDIC in Arlington, VA. The seminar will last until 12:30 p.m. after registration in the 9 a.m. hour.

“Unfortunately, the pervasiveness of violence and the proliferation of firearms has brought workplace violence to the forefront throughout the security profession,” said Vincent O’Neill, chief of HQ security operations for the International Monetary Fund. “Training to identify potential or incipient workplace violence issues, and having a comprehensive response that includes a wide range of organizational disciplines, has become an essential element to every security program.”

“A workplace violence situation can take place in a matter of minutes and finish before the local law enforcement even has time to arrive on scene,” said Brent O’Bryan, Vice President of Learning & Development at AlliedBarton and a member of the Arlington/Alexandria Workforce Investment Board in VA. “Because these situations can escalate quickly, there often isn’t time to properly prepare for what you should do next. It is important to be proactive and consider, in advance of a workplace violence scenario, the common reactions and how to keep yourself and others safe.”

“It is imperative for all employees to understand this important workplace issue, what it is, who’s affected and what you can do about it,” said Daman Toth, Vice President of Operations, AlliedBarton. “AlliedBarton, in conjunction with our seminar partners, will provide resources to help attendees better understand the need for preventing violence in the workplace.”

Workshop topics during the seminar will include workplace violence incidents, how to recognize and prevent workplace violence, surviving an active shooter and a segment with police officers. Captain Frantz Desamour, of the Arlington Police Department, will talk to the guests about what to expect when the police arrive to the office while an active shooter is on the premises. An open panel will also be held where questions can be asked of Desamour, O’Neill, O’Bryan and Toth.

Bill Whitmore’s new eBook, “Potential: Workplace Violence Prevention and Your Organizational Success,” will have a preview handed out to all of the attendees of the seminar. The attendees will then receive a full copy of the eBook once it is released later this year.

The eBook outlines how stakeholders of various levels can work as one to reduce their organization’s risk of workplace violence by enhancing its overall morale and performance at the same time. The book explains that workers such as CEOs, human resource personnel, contract security, building management and law enforcement can all work together

AlliedBarton and HR Plus Hosting Workplace Convention by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes