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“Your AdChoices” Has Been Launched

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The Digital Advertising Alliance, commonly referred to as the DAA, has made a recent announcement about their launch of “Your AdChoices”, which will be a campaign that is based primarily on public education as a way of helping consumers to become informed about advertising that is made based on their interests and how these consumers can take control of the privacy in which they receive when they are online and using the internet.

The “Your AdChoices” campaign comes after the DAA has worked on the development of this campaign for more than two years. A lot of effort has been put into the development of this particular campaign, which features some of the most effective solutions for collecting and using data with the Advertising Option Icon.

Peter Kosmala, the managing director of Digital Advertising Alliance, has said, “With widespread industry adoption of the DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles, the DAA remains committed to informing consumers about interest-based advertising, online data collection and use, and the simple way they can exercise control over their web viewing data.” He also says, “This highly creative public education campaign is an important step in that ongoing process.”

Nacy Hill, the CEO of 4 A’s, has said, “Working alongside policymakers, the DAA — from the outset — committed to create a consumer education program.” She also says, “Today, with the creative genius of MRM and McCann’s deep insights about online privacy, we are fulfilling that promise and launching a campaign that connects with consumers, educates them about interest-based advertising and gives them effective choices.”

This online campaign will have a mixture of components, including entertainment as well as humor. The campaign will be featured as a banner advertisement that will direct the consumer to the icon and links of the DAA. When the consumer clicks on these icons or links, they will be able to view educational videos about advertisement and online privacy. Consumers can even decide whether or not they want to opt out of the internet based advertising from some of the companies, only the companies that actually participate with the DAA.

Lori Feld, the managing direct of MRM SLC, has said, “It’s incumbent upon our industry to build trust and respect amongst consumers regarding the brands we work for, especially with regard to interest-based advertising.” Feld also says, “In our global McCann study, ‘Truth About Privacy,’ published last year, consumers clearly defined the value exchange and control they expect.”

Feld says that it is definitely important to build relationship with the consumers and find out which brands these consumers actually value. Feld also believes that the campaign, which educated the consumers, is not only education but is also fun and entertaining and definitely not something people will dislike or fear.

“Your AdChoices” Has Been Launched by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes