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Winston Salem Forsyth County School System Considers Advertisements

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The Salem Forsyth County School System could be bringing in new designs and décor for the different schools, which will actually be a display of different advertisements. The school district is currently discussing the possibility of allowing advertisements within the school as a way of generating extra money, especially with budget cuts.

As of right now, the school district is considering putting up national advertisements in their gymnasiums, cafeterias, and even in the auditorium because this would be a way of making money for the school, something that will benefit the staff, faculty, and most importantly, the students that go to these schools within the district.

The school district would be able to earn 80 percent of the advertisement revenue if they were to place the advertisements on the walls of different areas in the schools. Budget cuts are constantly taking place around the United States and it is causing school students, teachers, and staff members to suffer because of it. Tax dollars help with the budget cuts but schools are trying to look for other outlets and ways to generate money for the students and the schools.

The school district has thought about the advertisements for the revenue money for quite some time. In fact, they have been thinking about it for a few years. Some local advertisements are already running within the school district. However, during the month of April, the Building and Grounds Committee will meet with one another to discuss advertising within the schools.

The school system would not have to pay ahead or upfront to begin the advertisement process. The school district would be able to rake in millions of dollars through the advertisements and would have to worry less about the budget cuts that take place each year. Right now, this is still something that is relatively new for the school district but parents are already putting in their two cents about it. Some parents think it is a fantastic idea, especially with the economy being the way it is and how tight the school budgets have become. Many parents think it is a great way to earn extra revenue so that the students have more programs and activities.

On the other hand, some parents disagree with advertisements, believing that it is a way to corrupt the students at the school. Of course, the advertisements posted would not advertise anything that has to do with alcohol and tobacco use or anything that is illegal. While it is a great debate, advertising in schools has become quite popular and it is working for other school districts. Because it seems to work for other school districts, many different school districts, including the Salem Forsyth County School System, may end up placing advertisements in around their school.

Winston Salem Forsyth County School System Considers Advertisements by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes