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Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools Want Advertising

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The Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools are looking for a way to earn more money for the schools, aside from depending primarily on tax dollars from residents living within the counties. One of the plans is to allow advertising to take place within different schools as a way of earning revenue and making up for budget cuts that will be made. Just a few weeks ago, an announcement was made about the school district and how they want to put advertisements in and on the schools with the help of the Education Funding Partners.

An attorney that is representing the school district recently found out that there is an administrative code for the state of North Carolina, which would prohibit advertisements from being placed in schools during the daytime. Because this discovery just took place, the school district is currently working on a way to get around the ban so that advertising can take place and the district can earn revenue from it.

The director of marketing and communication, Theo Helm, says that they will try to work with the law by not putting the advertisements in the school but putting the advertisements elsewhere, such as in the gymnasium and on the fields that belong to the school. Many of the board members are trying to think of different ways to get around the ban so that some advertisements would be allowed.

The school district does not want to throw out the idea of allowing advertisements in the school, especially since there is such a huge potential to earn a large amount of revenue, which would be put toward activities and programs for students. Schools in the area could earn about $500,000, which is a great deal of money that is actually needed, especially since the school district had to make some large budget cuts, consisting of several millions of dollars within the past year or so.

Helm says that they do not want to have to make any more cuts and lose anymore positions because that would put people out of work and cause more problems for the school district and its remaining employees. Instead, he says that they want to increase revenue in a way where people can still keep their jobs and students can still have the activities and programs they need and deserve.

There are some parents of students who are still quite skeptical about the idea of advertisements being placed within the school. There is still a lot of talk and adjustments that need to be made before any decisions finally come to a close.

Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools Want Advertising by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes