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Hiring Weakens During July

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Employers in the United States were posting up fewer jobs during the month of July than they were during the previous month of June. Because fewer jobs were posted up, there was more evidence to the fact that hiring has been slowing down and will continue to slow down for the next couple of months. The number of job opening available had fallen to around 3.67 million, which was originally reported by the Labor Department at the beginning of the week. This was a decline from the 3.72 million jobs that were available during the month of June. This information followed a troubling employment report that was released last week. The employment report showed that the economy only managed to add a total of 96,000 jobs during the month of August. The amount of jobs available during the month of August was considerably lower than the total for the month of July, when there were 141,000 jobs added.

Some people may think that the job market outlook is picking up because of the unemployment rate. It went from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent. However, the only reason that the unemployment rate ended up dropping is because the number of people seeking employment ended up decreasing. Some people have simply stopped searching for work because they have been unable to find it for such a long time now. Job hunting has definitely become much of a competitive sport in this day and age, especially since there has been a decrease in the number of positions available. During the month of July alone, there were around 12.8 million people who were unemployment. This means that nearly 4 people are competing for every open position that is available. This amount is considerably lower than it was right after the recession but it is still not necessarily a good number either.

Over the span of the past three years, there has been an increase in the number of job openings. Even though there has been an increase, it seems as though companies are not creating enough to drastically improve the unemployment rate and many companies are not filling these positions fast enough either. In fact, hiring has only increased by a total of 11 percent throughout the span of those three years. It is believed that companies are taking their time with finding employees because they are looking for the right candidates and are unable to find certain individuals with the right skills for the particular positions they are offering. Many companies are fearful of hiring because of the current debt crisis in Europe as well.

Hiring Weakens During July by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes