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Employment Improves for Veterans

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Employment Improves for Veterans

Things are looking better for veterans career-wise. Though veterans have struggled more than others with employment, the jobless rate dropped to 6.6 percent last year, compared to a general rate of 7.9 percent early in 2013 and 6.7 percent near the end.

More to the point, has recently conducted a heartening study through a poll conducted by Harris Poll. 33 percent of interviewed companies are actively seeking Veterans, up from 20 percent in 2011.

68 percent of companies claimed that given equal qualifications, they’d choose a vet, and this because they were seen as effective team players (according to 62 percent of them), they were disciplined in their work (also 62 percent), and they had respect and integrity (58 percent).

This is good news for vets, who often have certain struggles others don’t, such as higher percentage of disabilities, lack of civilian work experiences, and troubles applying military experience to the civilian work field, as the Mental Health Association of New York City stated.

31 percent of companies claim they’ve hired veterans who’ve seen active duty within the last 12 months. Combine this with the report that two-thirds of vets are satisfied with their jobs, compared to 59 percent in 2013, and it seems veterans are heading in the right direction.

If you’re a veteran looking for work, click here to browse the jobs Granted has to offer.

Employment Improves for Veterans by
Authored by: Daniel June