Monthly Archives: November 2014

Why You Should Outsource Your Business Writing Projects

Just because you are not a writer, it doesn’t mean that your business has to suffer. Instead of pulling out hairs over that business manual or press release you could outsource your project to a writing professional. What is outsourcing? Outsourcing or contracting is when you obtain a company or individual (outside of your organization) to complete a task or series of tasks. Why should you outsource your writing projects? 1. You want great results – Writing grea...

How to Move from Technical Professional to Manager?

The general trend that is seen in people who are in a job is that they want to become managers. Management has therefore become a lucrative calling for many especially since the money involved is higher than what they get as technical professionals. But the fact remains that an organization especially that is involved in manufacturing requires more technical expertise and a larger technical workforce than at those at the managerial position. Quite obviously, things get very competitive here considering the leap!