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5 Rules When Writing an Interview Thank You Note

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thank you note

Summary: Go the extra mile and send a handwritten thank you card after a job interview to thank them for their time. This simple step sends a big message to employers.

A handwritten thank you note can go a long way to impressing an employer after a job interview. Since thank you note is rare, especially one that is hand-written, it will show an employer that you will go above and beyond for them. To make the greatest impact follow these rules when writing the note:

  1. It must be hand-written. Even if you have horrible handwriting, print as clearly as you can. No one feels that they have good penmanship but if you take your time and are careful, it should be legible. You are aiming for authenticity and personalization.
  2. Keep it short and sweet. You don’t need to write a novel but you should write more than just “thank you”. Keep the note to three or four lines long and taking no more than three minutes to write.
  3. Choose a style of card that fits your industry. If you are applying for a graphic designer job, your thank you card can be more creative and colorful. An interview at a bank should have a more conservative and simple design.
  4. Address three main parts. Start by thanking them for the interview then mention something you discussed during the interview. Maybe you are answering a question they asked but you didn’t have an answer for at the time or stating that you have big ideas for their next campaign. Close the note by reinforcing the fact that you can provide more information if they need it and with something personal like wishing them luck on the presentation they mentioned they had to give the following week.
  5. Send an email as well. An email will get to them immediately where as a mailed note may take a few days. You want to immediately get their attention with a simple email so that they will be doubly impressed with a handwritten note a few days later.


5 Rules When Writing an Interview Thank You Note by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin