Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Interviewing Successfully

Few things matter as much as doing well in an interview. An interview could be viewed like an introduction to a potential employer. But then, this is indeed a high-stakes introduction! Not only are you being appraised critically, you are also being evaluated for your professional skills and know-how.

Should I Lead With The Business Or The Product?

That's a popular question. Some people insist you lead with the business (and they tell you to offer the product as a last resort only if the prospect says No to the business); others say they'd rather lead with the product. However, there is NO best way for all. Just like there's no product for everyone. Here are five questions to help you decide what YOU should do. Remember, you're the one leading, so choose what suits YOU. And no, it might not be the same way y...

Importance of Career Planning

Career means profession - that which we want to adopt for earning a livelihood. Planning for a career is one of the most important steps we can take in our lives. It sets a foundation for how you'll spend a great deal of your life. An interesting fact about career planning is that it is not always a short-lived process. In fact, for many, it can last a lifetime which includes re-defining goals, developing interests, and changing careers.