
Builders and Destroyers

Several years ago, I wrote an article for BCG Attorney Search called ''Builders and Destroyers''. In this article, I discussed the two types of people one may encounter inside a law firm: (1) People whose mission it is to build and improve things around them, and (2) People whose mission seems to be to tear down, criticize, and damage the whole.

Job Listings – Top 10 Places to Find Job Listings

Finding it difficult to get the perfect job you have been looking for? Confused with the numerous advertisements and job search engines available online? Worry no more. We have compiled here the top ten places to find job listings. Just keep in mind that these rankings are approximate figures and keep fluctuating with time. The grading has been done on the number of genuine users. The lesser fake users on a site the higher is its raking. Read on to explore the world of job listings.