
Preparing for another Dip in the Recession

If reports coming forth in all sectors of the economy are read right, we are headed for another dip in the recession, a sort of second innings. With almost half of the 15 million jobless having crossed six months without a job, 2.5 million jobless requiring an extended lease of life after their 99 weeks of unemployment benefits ran out, and 1000 homes being foreclosed every day, you cannot afford to be caught off guard by a fresh spurt of acute economic recession. So tighten your belt and start planning today on how to handle a fresh round of economic adversity.

Builders and Destroyers

Several years ago, I wrote an article for BCG Attorney Search called ''Builders and Destroyers''. In this article, I discussed the two types of people one may encounter inside a law firm: (1) People whose mission it is to build and improve things around them, and (2) People whose mission seems to be to tear down, criticize, and damage the whole.