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Greenpeace: Renewable Energy to Create 14 Million Jobs by 2050

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Greenpeace logoA Greenpeace-sponsored report says that by 2050, the United States could sever ties with coal and nuclear power, draw nearly all its electricity from renewable sources, and cut its greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80%.

All this could be done with existing technology, and would create 14 million US jobs.

The report, commissioned by global environmental group Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council, and conducted by Germany’s space agency, envisions a steep drop in US energy use, due to strict efficiency standards.

It also projects wind and solar power replacing coal, oil and nuclear sources.

More than 10 million coal-related jobs would disappear by 2050, but they would be more than offset by 9 million efficiency-related jobs, 11 million solar-related jobs and 4 million wind-related jobs.

Greenpeace: Renewable Energy to Create 14 Million Jobs by 2050 by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes