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Google, Yahoo, And Facebook Duke It Out Over Display Revenue

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googleSome interesting numbers came in last week, as Google announced its quarterly display revenues for the first time.

In it’s early days, Google easily overtook Yahoo to become the number one search engine on the internet. Now, as it has expanded to become a staple of contemporary life, Google may easily overtake Yahoo in display revenue as well.

The released figure, if annualized, amounts to a staggering $2.5 billion revenue run-rate ; whereas, if one were to annualize Google’s third quarter revenue run-rate, the number comes to $1.9 billion on Yahoo owned sites, more than half a billion less than Google.

Google owes its numbers to its various sites, including: DoubleClick, AdSense, and YouTube.

Interestingly, there is another contender for display revenues, and it’s not another search engine.

Facebook is projected to hit a total revenue of $2 billion in 2010, a large part of which (but not all) consists of display ad revenue. Consider the fact that Facebook is growing at a rate much higher than Yahoo’s and you’ve got some interesting data to look at.

Google, Yahoo, And Facebook Duke It Out Over Display Revenue by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes