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Rising Number of Veterans Need Additional Help Seeking Employment

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Over 40,000 troops are coming home from Iraq this year and, given the high number, up to half or more will leave the service to seek employment. At the present time, the number of veterans unemployed is at a distressing 11.7 percent.

Government agencies are paying close attention to ways they can help link up employers and veterans . Many feel that it is unfair that the unemployment number should remain this high, states Kevin O’Brian, vice president of business development, at UBM Studios, Milicruit, in an article published by the Huff Post IMPACT on November 2nd, 2011. The goal of everyone involved is to help veterans re-entering the workforce find employment in the civilian workforce.

One event exists that does little to help veterans out, even though plenty of organizations are seeking ways to give retiring military workers a shot at employment. The traditional career fair is serving to frustrate veterans and their spouses, because they are not making enough headway towards figuring out ways to get veterans a job, according to O’Brian.

In the past, a veteran or spouse attends the career fair only to shake hands with the hiring manager and inform those responsible for hiring new workers why they are a good fit for the company. The veteran could go home knowing that he or she had, at least, a fair shot at the job as anyone else who applied. Those days are in the past, according to any veteran you get the chance to ask about it.

These days, you’re probably wondering if attending the career fair is even worth it when all you may not even have the chance to hand in a resume. “With all that being said, there are still countless career fairs going on all around the country each and every day be it on a college campus, a military base, hotel, or convention center, but for the most part, they are really nothing more than a branding opportunity or at best a resume exchange,” informs O’Brian.

Luckily, for veterans and spouses, there happens to be another way to attend career fairs without stepping outside your house. Virtual careers fairs are held online and provide much more than what you would see if you ever attended a fair at either a hotel, convention center or military base.  Over 23,000  veterans and 70 employers attended the last virtual career fair hosted by Milicruit hiring event that took place in September of this year.

You can save on gas, parking space and hours of time by attending a career field online. The recruitment website gives veterans and employers a way to access opportunities 24/7, every day of the year. You do not have to dress up for a non-opportunity. Milicruit gives men and women, leaving the military behind, the chance to be noticed by employers.

The next Milicruit national career field is going to be held on November 10th. Service men and women, veterans, military spouses and employers can all create an account at to see further information about the hiring event.

Rising Number of Veterans Need Additional Help Seeking Employment by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes