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How to Accomplish More at Work by Doing Less

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People in today’s world are trying to stuff more tasks into their schedule, something that began back in the 1990s, causing people to work harder and longer than what is considered humanly possible. Employees are working ten, sometimes twelve-hour days, six days per week in an effort to get more work done and make an impression on their superiors.

“We are living with undue stress and an unwarranted sense of personal failure. Burnout is the norm,” says Joan Friedlander, owner of Lifework Business Partners in suburban Washington, D.C.

Freedom and productivity is aided by technology in the workplace but job expectations can be extremely high, causing employees to push harder each day on the job. This can cause long-term stress for employees that can turn into severe medical conditions. Employees must be able to set work boundaries and dare themselves to work less so they are not stuck in the office all night long.

“By doing so, you take charge of your productivity, increase your effectiveness and reduce stress caused by trying to keep up with unreasonable expectations,” Friedlander says.

Thousands of employees tend to ask themselves how they can complete more work in a shorter amount of time. Instead of trying to figure this out, the employee should figure out what he or she can do in the time available in the office. Employees should change their thinking so that they are not stuck working days, nights, and weekends to find success at the office

“The harder and longer you work, the more you risk your happiness, health and productive capacity,” Friedlander said.

Friedlander has seven strategies that can help an employee put him or herself first instead of work. She recommends that an employee should begin with two or three strategies to start, master them first, and then move onto a couple more.

The first strategy is to completely remove yourself from work or business for a minimum of 24 consecutive hours each week.

The second strategy is a very easy one, and it involves unsubscribing from each mailing list and publication you belong to that has nothing to do with you or your company.

The third strategy is to schedule similar activities that involve the same amount of energy to complete into blocks of time.

Prior to checking your email in the morning, take one or two hours to work on a project that is of high-priority in your business.

Change the email settings on your phone and computer so that you only receive email when you ask for it. This means that email is not pushed to your computer or phone whenever a message is sent to you. Instead, you have to go request the mail.

It might be in your best interest to work for six or seven productive hours per day instead of eight to ten.

The final strategy is to put together a small list of power tasks that you know you can accomplish in one day. This means you must get rid of the traditional to-do list.

How to Accomplish More at Work by Doing Less by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes