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California Gridlock Needs Resolved Before New Year

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The United States is in enough uproar as it is. It’s important for Obama to get out of this political deadlock before January first hits. Unemployment rates are not necessarily getting any better in the state of California and it’s important for the government to help do something about it. If the benefits are not extended, then thousands of people will be without benefits. A lot of people are about to experience their job benefits being cut off without much of a notice. The federal government has allowed numerous extensions but California is asking for just one more. The average unemployment check is just over 300$. Which is not a lot to some people but it’s enough to put food on the table, according to CBS Money Watch.

The state is trying really hard to communicate with the people of the state. California has seen a decrease in the unemployment rate, which is great news. But there is still an unemployment rate of over 11 percent. Besides Nevada, this is the highest in the United States. “We know unemployment is a stressful experience at any time, and we understand that the uncertainty surrounding the benefit extensions adds to that stress, especially during the holiday season,” Director Pam Harris said in a statement. There is threat of higher taxes and no employment benefits if people do not get these worked out. No action from congress will result in people losing their benefits and then social security payroll taxes will continue to rise. That means if an employee is making around $50,000 a year, then almost 20$ a week will go to Social Security pay roll taxes.

It’s no laughing matter for the people of this state because so much is at stake. If this bill is not figured out, then a lot more people will be suffering in the long run. About a million people are claiming these unemployment claims but over two million are said to be unemployed in the state of California. Most of these people have been out of work for more than six months. “When you take away benefits, you’re taking it away from those most in need of them,” said Employment Development Department spokeswoman Loree Levy.

This is all too real of a an issue for those who live in California. The communication is short between the state and the people who need the benefits. As mentioned earlier, it’s important that these benefits are extended so that people can continue to buy the things they need. It’s even scarier for some people because they know that this could be their last paycheck. No one knows what the next step is for those who might lose their benefits. Another course of action needs to be put into place so that people have food to eat and a roof over their heads.

California Gridlock Needs Resolved Before New Year by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes