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Stamford Board of Reps to Vote on HR Contract

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Emmet Hibson, the director of human resources for Stamford, asked the Board of Representatives to approve a new five-year, $108,000 labor relations contract. The contract is for Christopher Dellaselva, who has been employed by the city since November of 2010, when he was hired as a consultant by Hibson. Dellaselva has to remain on staff, according to Hibson, because he is running almost all of Stamford’s 11 contract negotiations. Hibson’s hiring methods are being questioned and several members of city unions are lobbying against Dellaselva.

“If the question is whether he’s capable, the man is capable, the man meets the qualifications,” Hibson said. “If the question is whether he’s liked, obviously we’ve hired him to do a job that is not going to be liked.”

The Personnel Committee has received letters from union representatives that oppose the hiring of Dellaselva. The written letters put into question the labor relations qualifications of Dellaselva while also citing a complaint filed against him in the spring for photographing union members who were involved in a rally outside of the Government Center. A hearing regarding the complaint will be held in March by the State Labor Relations Board.

“Why was this position not posted to attract the most qualified candidate?” union members wrote to the Personnel Committee. “It is clear that the job was not posted because Mr. Hibson wishes to hand the job to his friend, Mr. Dellaselva. This is pure cronyism at its worst.”

It is also alleged that Hibson wants to hire Dellaselva because the two men are friends. This accusation is denied by Hibson, who said the two did work together as clerks at the New Haven Superior Court 11 years ago. Hibson said that the two men do not have a close friendship.

“There are people who are not happy with what we are doing in our negotiations and what we are doing as far as arbitration,” Hibson told the Personnel Committee. “I urge you to look at the person who is in a position that is needed, who has done nothing but great work. He’s dedicated a lot of time to the city.”

Dellaselva would be awarded a five-year contract worth $108,171 annually to go along with two stipends that would total $10,000. If Dellaselva is hired as the labor relations specialist, he would report to the director of human resources and be responsible for assisting in negotiating contracts. Dellaselva would also serve as the compliance officer for the city with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Dellaselva was originally nominated by Hibson as the assistant director of human resources. This proposed contract was shot down because it did not acquire majority approval. The city representatives voted 16 pro, 16 con, and six abstained.

“The board was 16-16 split, feeling that his experience didn’t match the assistant director position,” Hibson said. “So in deference to them, I’ve reduced the position down to labor relationship specialist, which allows me to continue with my staffing for union negotiations and addresses the Board of Representatives’ concerns regarding experience.”

Stamford Board of Reps to Vote on HR Contract by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes