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4 Things That Hiring Mangers Are Not Going To Tell You

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Wouldn’t it be amazing if we had the power to read people’s mind? That way we would never have to guess what other people think of you. It would definitely come in handy during an interview. Stating the obvious, who wouldn’t love to know what the hiring manager is really thinking about your qualifications or what they consider to be the perfect answer to a certain really tough question? When you have all of this information, you would be able to step ahead of the other job applications.

Unfortunately, no one has that power. But, you can get a sneak peak into the mind of most hiring managers. Here are 4 things that hiring managers are thinking, but they would never admit it:

“I haven’t had time to prepare.”
Chance are, you are not going to be the only person that is there being interviewed. A hiring manager may have to interview two or three dozen people, and between all of those interviews, he or she still has everyday duties that need to be done.

The truth is, the hiring manager may or may not have had time to look over your resume in great length before he or she sits down to interview you. He or she may not even have a copy of it with them. This means that you should always make sure to bring extra copies with you, and they should be printed on high-quality paper.

“What you wear matters to me.”
First impressions count in an interview, and the way that you come dressed to an interview can significantly impact how you come across to the hiring managers. If you show up in a T-shirt and jeans, then the interviewer is going to have to question how bad that you want this job. Make sure to be impressive in a clean, well-fitting suit or an outfit that is similar.

“I’ve heard that one before.”
Saying that you greatest weakness is something common like you ”work too hard” or you ”can’t help but be a perfectionist” can set off a few warning bell to your interviewer, because these types of responses are unoriginal and cliched. Not only are you going to come across as insincere, but you are also running the risk of being quickly forgotten.

“I may try to make you uncomfortable.”
Hiring managers know all of the tricks that are in the book. And they use them all just to make you uneasy. The reason for this? Not to torment you. They are just hopeful that you are going to be able to handle being knocked off your game, and that it will hopefully elicit more insight into how you handle challenging situations.

4 Things That Hiring Mangers Are Not Going To Tell You by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes