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Employment Bill for Veterans

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A veteran’s bill has recently gone through the final process of passage. The bill was designed to help veterans find employment, especially since the employment picture for veterans is actually a lot worse than the employment picture for the nation. Many veterans find it hard to return back to civilian life but with this particular bill, veterans would be able to use the skills and training they learned in the military to find civilian work. The next step is for the bill to be sent to the White House, awaiting the signature of the President of the United States, Barack Obama. The bill basically requires different agencies to openly accept military members.

The President recently made his own statement earlier on in the week, stating how pleased he was that both Democrats and Republicans were able to join forces and agree on passing such a legislation that will ultimately improve the lives of so many veterans, especially because they deserve it after fighting long and hard to defend the United States. Now with this bill being passed, veterans can take the military skills they have and put them to good use even after they have returned to civilian life.

It is believed that part of the reason the bill passed so quickly is because it is an election year. With President Barack Obama signing such a bill, it would look good on him and help him to gain support and votes from veterans who are pleased with his decision to sign a bill that will help them use their skills and training after returning back from war. Several veterans groups, including The American Legion, already know that these are the kind of things that cannot be taken for granted. This particular group has been fighting for something like this for nearly two decades. In fact, since 1996, The American Legion has been looking to find ways in which military training and skills could be used for civilian licenses. While introduced such a long time ago, the idea was often left out of the limelight and typically pushed back, which is likely the reason it took so long for something like this to finally take place.

With the news of the bill passing and awaiting to be signed, without any objection, by President Barack Obama, many veterans are ecstatic, believing that with the new bill, they will be able to use their skills to the best of their ability as civilians, especially after serving the country in a devoted and dedicated manner.

Employment Bill for Veterans by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes