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So You Cannot Find A Job After College, Have You Tried These Options?

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There is nothing more despairing and discouraging than spending four years, studying, listening to lectures, and spending thousands and thousands of borrowed dollars on a college degree that you had hoped would be your ticket to a secure future.

During the commencement ceremonies, when the chief guest touched your tassel, handed you your degree, congratulated you and wished you luck, you were on top of the world, little knowing that a futile job search would bring you crashing down to the earth – from an excitement of starting at the peak, you take a hard knock. Nothing could be more crushing.

In April this year, the unemployment rate for those in the 20-24 age range, typically the age-group of new college grads, was a massive 13.2 percent. The national average over the last few months hovers around 8 percent. It is not easy for anyone to get a job in the job-market these days, even more so recent grads with no job experience.

Don’t give up, have faith and maintain your confidence. It takes hard work to press on but don’t let your shoulders sag. Meanwhile here are some temporary options that you can explore, that will keep you from having nothing to do, say on your resume that you are employed and allow get valuable experience, earn some money to pay your bills and build contacts while you wait for the economy to turn around and your dream job to land in your lap.

First and foremost, never stop looking for a job. No matter how many dead ends you reach, never stop looking – it could be waiting for you, the next time you go job-hunting. Make job searching a part of your daily routine. Some are lucky to have parents who can support you during this period and you will have the luxury of waiting out the economy.

Network for jobs, use social media for your job search, talk to people you know, don’t leave any avenue unexplored and don’t overlook a job just because it’s not the type you want – remember that you are looking for a job as a stop-gap arrangement until you get one that more matches your ability and your requirements.

The economy in the US is in a bad shape and symptoms show that the weakness is not about to go away too soon. Instead of waiting for good times to return, why not explore the option of seeking jobs overseas. Teaching English in a foreign country are jobs that are in huge demand. Some countries will require a degree in teaching or a TESL training certificate, which can be got within weeks of training, may countries will hire you simply because you are an American and by extension well-versed in the language.

Teaching English in a non-English environment is not too demanding a task, moreover it will give you a dual advantage. It will give you the requisite experience and give you the chance to travel as well and see and experience new cultures.  You will also be able to make around $500 to $2000 a month. Moreover, living expenses are considerably low in these countries and the time spent living and teaching there will be a good and prudent investment for your future.

However, if you do not want to venture away from your area of interest and want to remain in touch, volunteer in your field of interest. This again will have a dual benefit – the unpaid volunteering will provide you with the experience and help you stay in touch with what you eventually want to do and your resume will not show any gaps when you do apply for a paying job. It is a proven fact that employers prefer the already employed to the jobless when they have openings.

Moreover, it will also keep you update with any job openings that occur, so keep your eyes on the wanted ads on the company’s notice board.  However, be careful with the place you choose for volunteering. Don’t end up as a menial worker doing odd jobs. Not only are you not being paid, you will also not be learning anything.

There is yet another great way of riding out the tough times. String together two or three part time jobs, this will keep you busy and you will have some money coming in. It may not mean much fun and could involve a lot of travelling but it will help pay your bills and the number of contacts that you will make will be three fold. It is wrong to assume that only contacts made at big places come in handy, the customer you hand over the next burger to could end up being your next employer.

Last, but not the least, start on something that you can do on your own. That is get into a business of your own, however small or seemingly insignificant. Write articles for newspapers, pet-sit, do yard work, sell door-to-door.

Never fret or complain about this self-doubting, aimless, wondering stage of your life. How long it will last, we cannot say, but it will surely not last forever, that is certain. One day you will be settled with a cushy job and then these days will be history. Enjoy these days while they last. Think of it as standing on a crossroad, unsure of which road to take but remember that the choices you make now, will direct the rest of your life.

If for nothing else remember these days as the times when you could get up when you wanted to, spend hours watching television and surfing the net – trust me there will not be many such days later. Meanwhile the experience will make a stronger more steelier man out of you.

While you are at your part-time jobs, keep your eyes and your mind open to possible opportunities.  Never give up, the right opportunity will find you sooner or later. Waiting for that day may require Job-like patience, but it will be worth it when the day arrives.

In today’s times job prospects are few, with recent college grads being the most disadvantaged, but with a little creativity, determination and unflagging resolve, you can find a way to bide over these troubled times till the day when you can commence your career with the job that you have desired all your life.

So You Cannot Find A Job After College, Have You Tried These Options? by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes