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Top 4 Elements of a Mind-Blowing LinkedIn Summary

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LinkedIn, job search, summary on LinkedIn

Summary: The summary portion of the LinkedIn profile is one of the most important parts, so be sure you use the four elements discussed here to improve yours.

Having a LinkedIn profile will help you in the search for a new job or in your quest to become a trusted expert within your industry. If you do not utilize all of the features offered by LinkedIn you will not be successful on the site. One of those features is that of the profile summary. We have come up with four important elements to a mind-blowing LinkedIn summary that you need to utilize right now.

Original and Engaging

The summary has just 2,000 characters available and you need to use every single one of them when writing it. Use this space to tell your story, including what makes you interesting, remarkable and all about your brand. You need to reel in your audience with a captivating line that wants them to keep reading the rest of your summary and then your entire profile.

Write it in the First Person

When you write something in the first person it comes across as very conversational. There is nothing wrong with leaving in the “I’s,” “me’s” and “my’s.” Having a summary written like this will make those who read it want to have a conversation with you.

Angle it Towards the People you Want to Reach

The LinkedIn summary you write for your profile must be angled towards the people you are attempting to reach. Prior to writing the summary, you need to determine who it is you want to reach. This can be a new client, a recruiter, a hiring manager or others from within your industry. Once you determine who it is you are trying to reach, you can then figure out what your message will be to that group.

Call to Action

The LinkedIn summary on your profile must also have a call to action in it. If you are employed, but actively looking for a new job, you do not want to come out and say you are searching for a job. This could cause you to lose your current job. Come up with a call to action that will force your audience to contact you.

When you include all four of these elements in your LinkedIn profile summary, you should have no trouble reaching the audience you need to reach. You will also find it much easier to find a new job.

Top 4 Elements of a Mind-Blowing LinkedIn Summary by
Authored by: Jim Vassallo