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Being Smart is Not Good Enough When at Work

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IQ, EI, emotional intelligence

Summary: It seems as though a person’s emotional intelligence might be a little more important than their IQ when at work and we will discuss that in this post.

Your job performance is affected in large part today by your emotional intelligence, or EI, more so than your IQ. Emotional Intelligence measures how well you manage and understand your emotions while on the job. Handling difficult situations, getting along with co-workers and taking care of difficult clients are all just as important as performing your job duties correctly.

Improved Job Performance with High EI?

You might be wondering if a high EI means improved job performance. Consider the following statistics:

– 71 percent of hiring managers have said that EI is more important than IQ

– 59 percent of hiring managers said that they would not hire a candidate who has a higher IQ than EI

– It is possible that EI is responsible for 58 percent of variations in professional success

– On the flip side, IQ might only account for anywhere from 4-25 percent of variances in job performance

Management Benefits from EI

Managers in all industries benefit from EI, specifically high scores, because they will be able to manage emotions that come with stress in their jobs and the emotions of those around them.

After managers in a manufacturing setting received EI training, a study revealed the following statistics:

– Revenues went $250,000 above goals

– Formal grievances dropped by 20 percent

– Lost-time accidents dropped by half

Employers Want EI Over IQ

Employers have provided the following reasons as to why they prefer EI over IQ when hiring candidates for open jobs:

– Resolve conflict effectively

– Stay calm under pressure

– Lead by example

– Show empathy towards colleagues

– Put more consideration into business decisions made

Top Qualities of Employees with High EI

Hiring managers have said that employees who have high EI exhibit the following qualities:

– Take criticism well

– Admit mistakes and learn from them

– Remain calm under pressure

– Conduct thoughtful discussions

– Listen

– Control emotions

Improve Emotional Intelligence

You can improve your emotional intelligence simply by using positive body language, facial expressions and gestures. You should also choose your words carefully, be prepared to forgive others and always keep the conversation in the present.

Being Smart is Not Good Enough When at Work by
Authored by: Jim Vassallo