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Transitioning through Your Twenties

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Summary: Graduating from high school is just the first stepping stone towards a landslide of changes to happen in the coming years, so get prepared with these tips to make the transitions easier.

When you reach your 20’s, your life will be filled with transitions. You may go from graduation to marriage to career to parenthood and so much more in between. Each of these moments is full of excitement and anticipation for the next big change. Navigating through these changes can also prove to be a challenge as they are new experience that you may lack experience and advice on how to handle them. Here are some tips to help you stay sane:

Be present- Your emotions are at a high so it is easy to get caught up in everything and let it pass without fully absorbing the experience. Take each day at a time and each moment as they come before trying to jump ahead to the grand finale. There are moments in between all the big ones that just as important to experience.

Evaluate- Transitioning from one point in your life to the next is the perfect time to evaluate your life. Is the transition helping you progress towards your goals? Is the change giving you greater purpose? If you are graduating from college and moving back home with no job prospects, now may be a good time to determine why.

Support- It is safe to say that your stress levels may a little higher during this time of transition. Be open about your feelings with those around you that can support you and help.

Prioritize- Place things that are more important at the top. If your people are the most important thing, make time for them. If giving back is your most important goal right now, place it at the top and place your energy into making it happen. Always keep the big picture in mind when determining what has priority, being first in line for a movie over attending best friend’s birthday party may not be as important in the future.

Smart decisions- Never make a decision out of fear. Try all you can to make a decision based on facts, information, and gut feelings. Making one because you don’t know what else to do may end up biting you in the butt later. Imagine the “worst case scenario” and move from there if all else fails.

Make the Transition from College to Career Fun


Transitioning through Your Twenties by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin