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Teamwork Experience Impresses Most Employers

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Summary: Learn how you should best market your skills to land a finance internship while in college.


Question: I’m helping a stepson write a resume to accompany an application for an internship as a financial analyst in the fall. He’s a finance major, and I’m concerned his lack of experience in financial-related jobs—his experience is mostly summer jobs like yard work, shipping for a printing company, and a cashier at a liquor store. I’m telling him that his experience in high school and college baseball teams shows that he can work with a team and this is something employers like to see. His question is, “Does this have anything to do with getting an internship?” What should he highlight on his resume?

Answer: By all means, include it. Being a team player is relevant to almost any work environment. On the resume after his objective, use a category labeled, “Summary of Skills and Characteristics,” or “Highlights of Qualifications,” something to that effect. List such qualities as creative problem-solver in a variety of settings, excellent team player, recognized for leadership abilities, willingness to pitch in in any area and ability to work with a diverse population.

Follow the “Highlights” section with a new section on experience that strings together his various experiences. All of his work, sports, and extracurricular opportunities demonstrate relevant transferable skills that will enhance his candidacy for an internship. As time goes on, his direct financial experience in the work world will replace these less relevant experiences on the resume.

Teamwork Experience Impresses Most Employers by
Authored by: Andrew Ostler

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