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Networking Can Boost a Sluggish Job Search

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Summary: Are you facing a slow job search? Learn how you can network in order to find a job in the technology industry.


Question: I have studied the latest technology and know several programming languages. I have sent about 1,000 resumes to employers in the last six months, but no one has called me. The Labor Department says that even though the technology sector isn’t as hot as it was two years ago, 400,000 high-tech positions remain unfilled. How can I find these jobs?

Answer: Making a match between an employer and job candidate can be as challenging as putting a thread through the eye of a tiny needle. Though high-tech jobs exist in some form in just about every kind of company and government agency, the term “high tech” covers a lot of ground. The needs of a specific position in any particular company often are narrowly defined, requiring a highly specialized and experienced candidate. An important step, therefore, is to identify the types of positions and organizations most likely to hire someone with your specific high-tech skill set.

A shift from your reliance on resume mailings to incorporating some level of networking is instrumental to your search. Set up informational interviews with people in the field to gather tips and make contacts. Effectively communicating your qualifications is as important as the qualifications themselves. These conversations, therefore, play a significant role in providing practice for eventual “real” interviews.

As part of informational interviewing, ask for a critique of your resume and make sure you’re effectively highlighting top selling points. To strengthen your resume and bolster your candidacy, gain experience somewhere. Whether it’s programming for the professional association of your choice or a volunteer stint with a nonprofit organization, filling the experience gap is more important than ever in the increasingly competitive high-tech arena.

See Six Reasons You Need to Be Networking for more information.

Networking Can Boost a Sluggish Job Search by
Authored by: Andrew Ostler

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