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Blueprint for Employee Policies

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Jessica Miller-Merrell is one of the most well known bloggers on the internet today. She has done speaking engagements, private sessions, and corporate counseling for companies looking to improve their social media standing in the world today. She also works on hosting internet television shows, is an author, and a human resources professional. Her 11 years of experience in human resources and recruiting puts her at the top of social media experts in the HR industry. Her blogs, totaling 500, have been active since 2007, detail human resources, and other related topics.

Miller-Merrell has written Employee Policies Blueprint in an effort to educate the employment industry about new rules for human resources and recruiting. When Miller-Merrell is hired as a consultant by a company, she is hired to help that company write social media policies for its employee handbook.

As social media continues to expand and become more encompassing of people’s everyday activities, companies also need to expand into how they handle social media use by employees. Miller-Merrell believes that a company’s human resources policies should be written individually. No company should have the same policies, written the same way, as another company in their building or even in their corporation. A franchise can have basic policies but each franchisee should have its own policies outlined in employee handbooks.

According to Jessica Miller Merrell, founder of and CEO of XceptionalHR, “When evaluating your social media policy and determining how to incorporate it into your company’s employee handbook, standard operating procedures, or policy manuals, constant communication is key.”

Human resources and top-level management officials need to understand how important social media is in today’s business world. Social media allows a company to stay in touch with not only its employees but also its clientele each day of the week. Management officials in companies across the world need to understand how important social media is and how it can positively or negatively affect the company’s public image.

When a company needs to use social media for branding or other purposes, having guidelines for social media in an employee handbook will make it easier for the company to deal with any problems that might occur.

Miller-Merrell had the following to say about policies being writte, “I recommend considering the following websites and tools such as and and Twilert to get you started in learning more about what is already being said so you can plan a strategy of how and when to respond and act.”

Human resources policies can be described or outlined to a company’s employees in any of the following ways as described by Miller-Merrell:

“Employee Memo from the CEO of the company, Senior Manager Meetings, Signed Acknowledgment Forms Plus Annual Training, Social Media Training for All New Employees, and Focus groups in a comfortable and open environment where employees talk freely about their way they communicate in social media.”

Blueprint for Employee Policies by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes