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Working Moms Can Save Time Too!

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Moms already carry a large load of responsibility. For those mothers who work full-time on top of it, time can be your own worst enemy. Learn how to save time through the following tips. It will help you lead a better, more productive day for your company and your little ones.

First Things First: Take Note of Time Wasters

You’ve got an enormous to-do list, countless chores, kids to see to, and you’ll get to it soon enough… right after you get online just for a minute. You check your Facebook and Twitter to see what’s new in your friend’s, acquaintances and stranger’s lives. Then you remember that you needed to Google the name of that actor you saw in the commercial last night. He did some really cool stuff. Oh, Google put an advertisement for 50% off at your favorite department store! Bad Google! But you’ll go check, just for a minute, to see what there is to see.

Sound familiar? Before you know it a good portion of your morning is gone. Recognize those things in your life that suck away your time without adding any real value to your day. The time sinkholes are not confounded to the Internet, though that is a popular one. Identify those things that steal your time, and work hard to avoid them.

Be Sure to Always Get Your Beauty Rest

That last little bit of cleaning can wait until morning. Stop sacrificing sleep for unimportant things. If you are the mother of a very young child, you probably cannot remember the last time that you got a full night’s sleep. That’s okay, because you’re taking care of an immediate need. But leave the things that can wait, waiting. The extra hour you sacrifice of sleep can ruin, what could have been, an incredibly productive day.

Lock Yourself Away

Mom’s are constantly on call. Whether in the bathroom or cooking dinner, it matters not to the needs of the children. They want their mother, and they want her now. This can get exhausting and drain the mother with the best of intentions. However, do not feel guilty for taking an hour or so to shut and lock the door with the direct command not to bother you. This time of silence can be exactly what you need to rejuvenate yourself and keep you from getting burnt out.

Avoid Peak Hours Whenever Scheduling Appointments

Choosing to go to the grocery store on Saturday afternoon, saving all your postal obligations until the evening, waiting until Friday at 5pm to go to the bank… These are all peak hours where everyone else will be doing the same thing. This is a huge time sucker with an easy solution. Go to the grocery store after dinner on a weekday, leave a little early and go to the post office in the morning, wait until Monday to go to the bank. Simple solutions to major problems.

Working Moms Can Save Time Too! by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes