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Career Assessment Tests

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If you are thinking about starting your career or feel like changing your career then career assessment tests might be a good way for you to get an idea about what direction you should take. This assessment is most often conducted on computer these days and it works by asking you a selection of questions in order to assess your personality and skills. After you have finished the test you will be provided with the careers which most seem to match your profile. In this way, you can get some useful suggestions and may even find that you are directed to a career that you never previously considered but that now suddenly makes sense.

There are different types of career assessment tests available depending on your location. Two of the most popular tests are the Strong Interest Inventory (SII), and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). These tests work in slightly different ways; the SII calculates your interest in regards to different career groups while the MBTI uses your personality as a means to predict which career would best suit you. Both of these tests are valuable and it would be hard to select one above the other.

The important thing when undergoing any career assessment tests is to remember that the results are only suggestions; you should have any suggestions as a guide and not any definitive answer. Many people have been hugely successful and happy in careers that would not have been suggested by these tests. On the other hand, the information that is provided from these assessments is valuable if it provides you with more options and suggests occupations that you would like but would previously not have even considered. It is this type of outcome from these assessments that have ensured their continued success; people have used this information to successfully plan their career.

Career assessment tests can be a useful addition to your quest to plan a career. The choice you are going to make could have life-long consequences so the more information you have at your disposal then the more likely you will be able to select wisely. It would not be a good idea to pick a career solely based on this type of assessment, but you should certainly consider the results.

Career Assessment Tests by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes