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Interview Prep

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So you’ve landed an interview – congratulations!  Now what?

It’s time to prepare.

Remember that in this market, the competition is thick and you want to make it easy for them to hire you.  Take the time to really research the company.  You should know what they do, where they do it, who does it and how.  You want to know where you will fit into the overall picture when the interviewer starts asking what you bring to the table.  Good research will let you tailor your answers to more directly address the needs of the company.  Good research will also show the interviewer that you care about getting the job, that you are interested in the company and not just a paycheck, and that you are self motivated.

Make sure you get a good nights sleep before the interview.  If the interview is in the morning, consider picking out what you will wear the night before.  Make sure everything you need is easy to find so that you don’t stress over it in the morning.  Give yourself time to eat a good breakfast.

Lay off the coffee or cut back to just one cup.  Make sure you arrive early enough to spend a few minutes relaxing.  Remember that hiring manager often hate doing interviews so put them at ease by being relaxed and confident.

Good luck!

Interview Prep by
Authored by: joshua