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8 Ways to Be More Professional at Work

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Summary: Keeping a reputation of professionalism at the workplace is essential for furthering your career and building strong relationships with colleagues.

The workplace can be filled with many levels of professional behavior. With busy lifestyles and ever-changing work responsibilities, keeping ourselves professional can be difficult at times. Professionalism will make it or break it for you at work. In order to keep yourself professional, follow these tips:

– Speak up

You were hired for the job so prove it. Whenever you have something meaningful to contribute, don’t be afraid to do so. Being a new employee makes speaking up harder to do but you need to show you are of importance and have beneficial ideas.

– Don’t talk just to talk

Speaking up is important but only when it is appropriate. New employees are often too willing to say something to be heard that is not of any importance. Speaking just to hear our own voice is unprofessional and a turnoff to executives. When you don’t know the answer to a question, be honest instead of rambling.

– Be a real person

Speaking about the same person all the time whether it is a significant other, your children, or your beloved pet, gets old. Whole you don’t need to hide who you are or your passions, you need to keep your sharing under control. One of the most anything things is an employee that overshares and only talks about one person.

– Refrain from gossip

Gossiping about someone at the workplace never looks good. Don’t ever fall into the trap if you want to be respected and confided in.

– Dress for the job

The way you present yourself at work will affect your future in the job. Dressing in such a way that shows you are serious about your career and yourself is a number one rule. Your wardrobe choices will be considered when promotions and greater responsibilities are given out.

– Communicate like an adult

Once you get comfortable with your coworkers and supervisors, it can be easy to let your communication get casual. Keep your electronic and in-person communication clean and polished. Be careful of spelling, punctuation, and take cues from superiors on what is acceptable.

– Take initiative

Look for new projects to tackle that you can handle. Don’t try to take on too much but look for ways to expand your skills and presence in the workplace. Also be willing to stand up and speak out when things are not going good. Being able to say that you went above and beyond in all aspects of your job will be good when yearly reviews come around and salary negotiations arise.

– Be on time

Everyone understands that things come up and being late once in a blue moon is okay. Being late on a regular basis is not okay and may even become a reason for being fired.


8 Ways to Be More Professional at Work by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin