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Feng Shui Your Desk for Success

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Feng Shui

Summary: Creating a Feng Shui desk is a way to add positivity and balance to your life. The space is personalized to your needs so you can maximize your creativity.

The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui is to harmonize everything in one’s surrounding environment to produce a positive energy. According to the philosophy, the placement of specific objects in a building, room, or on a desk will affect the flow of chi. Chi is the life force or essential energy. A good chi flow will give everyone in the space a boost of positive energy. Feng Shui is often turned to when a space lacks something to make it comfortable and effective. Offices can be full of bad lighting, uncomfortable chairs, and a lack of movable space. You spend a lot of time at work so it is important that you feel “at home”. Adding natural elements like sunlight and green plants is a simple step to liven up a space.

If possible arrange your desk to face the front door. If you can’t move your desk, then place a small mirror on your desk to reflect the door so that you can see it. Being able to see the main entrance offers protection and symbolizes being able to see opportunities as they come to you during your career. If you can’t see the opportunities, then you won’t be able to seize them. Remove any clutter on top of your desk and organize everything in a way that suits your work style and personal preference. Being organized will boost productivity and the absence of clutter will provide space for creativity to flow. Now you can arrange the items on your desk to maximize Feng Shui.

Back left corner: This corner represents prosperity which targets money and abundance. Place a plant or a valuable item like a jar of change or your computer.

Center back: This space is for fame. Keep your business cards, your nameplate, or something that is motivational in this spot.

Back right corner: Place something that reminds you of love in this corner. If you are single, bring a fresh flower to represent luck in sparking romance. If you are in a relationship, place a photo of them here.

Left center: A family photo may be cliché, but placing this photo in a wood frame will enhance the energy of the space.

Center: A healthy desk and a healthy you will be free of everything. Keep this spot empty of clutter.

Center right: Add something that inspires your creativity in this space. It may be a journal for a writer, sketch book for an artist, or something else specific to your style.

Front left corner: Keep a reference book that can help you learn new material.

Front center: You can keep a motivational quote that will help you in your career or keep this space clear so that it can be used as a workspace.

Front right corner: Get a little help from your friends by keeping your phone or an address book in this corner.



Feng Shui Your Desk for Success by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin