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Address the Inner and Outer Parts of a Job Search

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Summary: Job searches involve an inner and outer aspect that need to be addressed differently in order to make the process smoother and more successful in the long run.

How we approach a job search can greatly affect the outcome. In order to find the right fit for who you are and what kind of person you are, you have to look deeply at the job.

The inner job search:

– Must be real. You are not going to get anywhere by pretending to be someone you aren’t.

– Have a vision. You need to have goals, both short and long term of where you see yourself.

– Come with a checklist. A list will help you determine what you want and don’t want in your job.

The outer job search:

– A resume that matches you. Your resume should be like a brochure about you that will open doors.

– Represent what you want to surround yourself with. Put yourself someplace where you can have mentors to support you. It really is about who you know when navigating work politics.

– Believe in yourself. While having others around you that support you and are rooting for your success, it starts with your own confidence and drive. When you don’t believe in yourself, no one will be able to help you. Believing in yourself is a conscious decision that must be made every day, especially during the straining job search process.


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Address the Inner and Outer Parts of a Job Search by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin