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What Kind of Resume Is a CV?

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Summary: Learn what a CV is and how it is used as a resume in this article.


Question: When a recruiter asks a candidate to submit a CV, what is being asked for?

Answer: CV stands for curriculum vitae, also known as a vita, and is a type of resume. A CV is the preferred format of resume for academicians, scientists, and clinical providers. Traditionally, CV’s tend to be credentials based, not performance based. In practice, however, various hybrid versions now combine resume and CV conventions.

In some parts of the world, the term CV is used interchangeably with resume. Depending on your field, the recruiter may be applying the term loosely and simply referring to a resume. It’s more likely, however, that you are being asked for a CV as it relates to your specific field. Positions in academia, for example, usually require a CV that includes detailed information about coursework, research projects, and published works. This version provides more in-depth coverage and is usually considerably longer than the two-page resume common in the business world. For sample CVs, take a look at

What Kind of Resume Is a CV? by
Authored by: Granted Contributor