
The Best Way to Prepare for a Job Search and Interviews

Several years ago when looking for a position in Los Angeles I interviewed with numerous law firms. In virtually every one of these interviews I ran across an attorney who knew not one, not two, not three-but numerous, numerous attorneys in my current firm. If this is the case in a market the size of Los Angeles (and the market in Los Angeles is huge), I cannot even imagine what it must be like in smaller markets. For example, I am from Detroit. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit. When it came time for me to decide where to work in law school, when I started interviewing with firms in Detroit I knew many of the attorneys before I even arrived at the interviews-they were the parents of people I grew up with.

Searching For a Job in Your Locality

A logical method is required to successfully execute any task, and searching for jobs without a well-defined and logical strategy may be the prime reason for the loss of careers and aspirations. Even in a highly recessive market, industry reports quote disgruntled employers who say that only about 50% of job applications meet their needs, and are frustrated over the failure to connect with the right workers. On the other hand, as expected, there are workers frustrated by their failure to find the right jobs.