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Ask Not What Your Employer Can Do For You…

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How’s the job going? So-so? Not so good? What job? Fear not members of the job market, you’re at the right place.

First, let’s start with those of you with jobs. After all, that makes up about 90 percent of you. (At least I hope the unemployment rate is still under ten percent.)

When you have a boss, you always want to make him or her happy. That is literally your primary reason for existing at that company. You need to figure out what it is that you can do to make your boss happy and do it as often as you possibly can.

What this also means is completely putting aside your own ego (or what you may call logic) and doing things you may think are useless. I could say that your boss probably knows better than you, and that you’re just not in a position to fully grasp everything, but the truth is, that’s not always the truth.

So let’s say you find a fatal flaw in the boss’ idea of a perfectly functioning company. As long as your boss is a reasonable human being, this will elate him or her. Remember, if the company goes under, so does the boss’ job. They want job security, too and if you can show them a way to better their job security, then you’re most likely on your way to a promotion.

Everytime your boss compliments you, you dig yourself a deeper nitch into the comforts of job security. Deep in the wonders of job security is where you want to be. After all, for most of us, job security is life security.

Now, for those of you without a job, and I’m sure there are lots of you (over 500,000 at least), you need to take these principles and apply them to somebody that you would like to be your boss.

Grab a freelance job from a company you love and do it well! Be innovative and proactive. Carve yourself out a job. Do some research on a company you could see yourself working for, and work for them! Propose them a service, show them you are an assett. Companies NEED assetts. So make them need YOU!

Ask Not What Your Employer Can Do For You... by
Authored by: Todd