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Polish Up That Resume

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So, you’ve been sending out resume after resume and still aren’t getting any responses. It’s a frustrating experience, and it’s one facing a lot of us job seekers in this tough job market. So, what’s the solution?

Well, while there might not be an absolute solution, here’s a suggestion: review and revise that resume.

Are there spelling errors? That’s a no-no. Any grammatical errors? Another big no-no. Is your phone number and address current? You better take a look at that old resume right away.

In addition to your personal information and basic spelling and grammar, take a good in depth look at the content on your resume. What does it say about you as an employee?

Are there gaps in employment? If so, is there any way you can fill them in? Do you have a friend or relative with a business that you’ve helped out with? Make sure that your resume doesn’t scream LAZY! Employers want self-motivated and meticulous employees.

So take a look at the resume and make sure it puts your best foot forward. Take a day to focus exclusively on the quality of your resume. Remember, in this market, we’re all small fish in a big, big pond. So make that resume a work of art and show employers that you are the right person for the job.

Polish Up That Resume by
Authored by: Todd