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Kerouac Project in Orlando Inspired by Writer

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Kerouac Project

Summary: The life and home of Jack Kerouac inspired an organization to form and create a writer-in-residence program for four writers each year to live in his home.

Writer Jack Kerouac’s history inspired The Kerouac Project to form. It is now a nonprofit corporation that formed to purchase the cottage in a northern town of Orlando that Kerouac lived in with his mother. Around 1997, the organization raised $10,000 as a down payment for the property. The property was purchased and repairs began on the house.

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Jack Kerouac is an American novelist and poet, recognized for his method of spontaneous prose. He wrote about Catholic spirituality, promiscuity, jazz, Buddhism, poverty, drugs, and travel.

In the fall of 2000, the first writer-in-residence moved into the home for their three-month residency. The residency program provides the lodging for a writer and a food stipend. So far 51 writers-in-residence have stayed at the Kerouac House.

Writing and Writer Jobs: What it is Like Being a Writer

Four writers are selected a year of any age from anywhere in the world. You are only judged on the quality of the writing sample you submit to be reviewed. Lodging, utilities and a food stipend of $1,000 are included. Your only requirement after being selected is to stay at the cottage, work on your writing project, and participate in two events. The two events are a welcome potluck and a reading of your work. You can participate in more events like readings, workshops, and other interactions if you desire.

Career Opportunity for Unemployed Writers

In your application, you can select which time you prefer or are available for. Starting this year you must select which category your work fits into: Poetry, Screenplay, Play, Nonfiction, or Fiction/Short Story. One can only submit one piece of work for one category. You can apply more than once to submit material for different categories but you must complete the application material and fee each time. The fee is $30. The standard format is 10 pages long, 1-inch page margins, 1.5 line spacing, and size 12 font.


Kerouac Project in Orlando Inspired by Writer by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin